Wednesday, July 9, 2008

DMB Concert Goers

So Rochelle and I went to the Dave Matthews Band concert monday at lakewood. The concert was great. Tim Reynolds played with the band and did a really awesome rendition of Cornbread with the electric guitar.

While we enjoyed the concert, Rochelle and I are now of the opinion that we are to old to go anymore. We rode MARTA to the concert and coming back was a pain to say the least. We had to wait in a huge crowd of sweating, pushing, vomiting, cussing, and loud talking people. Most of the kids were highschoolers who are in a constant competition to be the loudest and dumbest in order to prove that they are the coolest.

I googled for "two aholes go to a dmb concert" and found the following post on a message board:
To those wo attended. Was there the usual after concert mayhem? Drunken, white, entitled, suburban fools acting like aholes, then blaming HPD for over reacting.
That pretty much sums it up...

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