The error will keep popping up if they hit Abort or Retry. After they hit ignore, this message comes up after 2 seconds.
If you want to do this too, here's the code.
Dim d1
do while MsgBox("win32 error:"& vblf & vblf & "The trojan aim20.2 has been detected in your system files. Please insert your Windows XP installation disc and reboot your computer.",18,"win32 error: System Error") <> vbignore
d1 = dateadd("s",2,now())
do while d1 > now()
MsgBox "Ha ha!!!!!!",64,"April Fools!"
Open Notepad, paste the code there and save it as a file with an extension of .VBS. Now when you run it, you will get a serious looking error message.
While one of my coworkers was away from her desk, I ran the file so that the error would be on her screen when she returned. She flipped out! When she saw that it was a joke, she about kicked my butt. She promised that she would get me back sometime.
If you move the file into the Start>All Programs>Startup folder, then it will run when they log on.
i'll try it.. tq for the tips :D
stumbled this page :D
You should have done the Conficker Virus error.
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