Monday, April 13, 2009

Build a DIY Truing Stand for less than $20

I have a few spokes that I need to replace on my old road bike and I wanted an accurate way to true up my wheel, so I whipped up a truing stand using some 1x4s that I had around the house and about $2 of hardware. It's cheap, simple and works really well.

I can use it on top of a table or workbench.

Boards screwed together as a T make it pretty stiff.

I used a couple of angle brackets for cabinets to mount the wheel. Just fully unscrew the quick release and slide the axle through the holes in the brackets and then screw the quick release back on to mount it.

This is the really cool part. I found this runout gauge at the thrift store a couple of years ago. It measures to a thousandth of an inch. If you don't have something like this, a stick could help you gauge the wobble or runout.

Using an angle bracket and screws, I can mount the gauge anywhere on the stand to measure different sized wheels.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My April Fool's Prank

Yesterday I got several of my coworkers pretty good with a prank. I made a Visual Basic script file that popped up a serious looking error message saying that they the virus that was supposed to be going around yesterday was detected on their computer. They needed to reinstall windows.

The error will keep popping up if they hit Abort or Retry. After they hit ignore, this message comes up after 2 seconds.

If you want to do this too, here's the code.

Dim d1
do while MsgBox("win32 error:"& vblf & vblf & "The trojan aim20.2 has been detected in your system files. Please insert your Windows XP installation disc and reboot your computer.",18,"win32 error: System Error") <> vbignore

d1 = dateadd("s",2,now())
do while d1 > now()
MsgBox "Ha ha!!!!!!",64,"April Fools!"

Open Notepad, paste the code there and save it as a file with an extension of .VBS. Now when you run it, you will get a serious looking error message.

While one of my coworkers was away from her desk, I ran the file so that the error would be on her screen when she returned. She flipped out! When she saw that it was a joke, she about kicked my butt. She promised that she would get me back sometime.

If you move the file into the Start>All Programs>Startup folder, then it will run when they log on.